Monthly Archives: July 2018


Life has returned to normal. After the festivities, everything seems ordinary. Pepa is wondering if there is a place that could be any worse. Věra dreamt that all the places where there had been barricades during the festivities now had doormats where visitor had to clean their shoes before entering the city center. The first […]

The lost spirit of the city

When I cross town from the school on Tavírna Street to the monastery, I generally try to avoid Široká, but walk down nearly all of Latrán. Many years ago, when we lost the watch repair shop, we also lost a small shop that specialized in glass engravings. The owner would do custom engravings of beer […]

A child’s point of view!

I think that it’s good here in Český Krumlov, but I can see that the locals have neglected the downtown a bit, or maybe some of them don’t have a chance to say or do anything to make it better. There should be more trash cans, because it’s really gross to go out for a […]

Friday ruminations and fatigue

We somehow don’t feel like doing anything today. Although it may not look like it, this project is quite demanding work. What has been especially draining is that you have to be constantly on the alert when you’re not in your home environment. This is best seen when I want to sweep up: At first, […]

Day four – Thur. 21. 6. (I guess).

On Thursday, we had a long-planned visit by relatives. On situations like this, you never know what is going to happen, since the kids go wild (especially in the company of grandpa) and then everything ends up differently than originally planned. Today some aunties are supposed to come with their dog, so at least we’ll […]


In the morning, we open the door to our home, and what do we see? A market. Market stalls right under the windows. Not from UNES-CO, but stalls selling ceramics as part of the 50th Festivities of the Five-Petalled Rose. Right across the street they’re selling sweets – this is going to be a test […]

18.6.2018 no.2

Český Krumlov is a pretty town, but so many tourists – they’ve totally overwhelmed the city. The onslaught should be reduced somehow. Although it would be nice to live here, it’s just impossible. First thing you’d have to do is to acoustically insulate the whole building. I didn’t sleep a wink last night for the […]


The drivers who deliver goods to the shops in the morning drive without any regard for those around them. Two delivery trucks parked so close next to one another that it was impossible to pass. We weren’t the only ones who had to wait. Later, I saw a truck racing down the street so fast […]

Looking back at our notes – day three, Wed. 20. 6.

We don’t have any particular plan for Wednesday, so we go to explore other parts of town. Somewhat by chance, because we explore every place we can get into, we come across a permanent artisans’ market in the courtyard of the regional museum. Across the street is popular lookout where people are taking pictures like […]

Looking back at our notes – day two, Tue. 19. 6.

Tuesday starts out nice enough. The kids go out to draw with chalk, which captures the attention of a few tourists. All at once, go musicians (good ones) appear, and my daughter starts to dance to their music. This ends up drawing more attention than the drawing, perhaps in part because you don’t have to […]